The Ashe County Democratic Party Convention
was held April 15, 2023, at the Ashe County Courthouse.
Over 43 people attended the event, including precinct
delegates. County party conventions are held in each
county on a regular basis to elect new Executive
Committee officers for two-year terms, and conduct
other business.
The new Executive Committee members are Amanda Gentry, Chair; Ben Massey, First Vice
Chair; Dick Greenwood, Second Vice Chair; and Dahr Joseph Tanoury, Third Vice Chair.
Ralph Sorrell, outgoing Chair, was honored with a plaque for six years of dedicated service on the Committee. Other Ashe County Democrats were also honored for their service.
Keynote speaker Jonah Garson, newly elected First
Vice Chair for the North Carolina Democratic Party, gave
a rousing speech to attendees. He held a question
and answer session and discussed ways that the State
party could assist the county party. Kyle Parrish,
candidate for the 5th Congressional District spoke of
the need for Democrats to get involved as candidates.
Ralph Sorrell, outgoing Chair, and Amanda Gentry, incoming Chair.
Ralph Sorrell, outgoing Chair, and Jonah Garson, First Vice Chair, NC Democratic Party.
Honored for their service: in front from left, Laura Lawson, Nancy Yamashita, Secretary; Elsie Hall; Beth Sorrell. Back from left, Ralph Sorrell, Steve Pinella, and Myrt Hall.
Kyle Parrish, 5th Congressional District Candidate.